Brain Food At The Movies – Episode 3

Hello everyone, and welcome to the third installment of Brain Food At The Movies, wherein I talk about Star Trek – Into Darkness!

It’s easily one of the most shallow, pandering, lazy pieces of writing slapped on screen that I’ve ever seen, and includes an unfortunate amount of whitewashing in replacing the character of Khan with a white guy, Super Benederp Cucumbatch, when he had been Indian in the original series and played by the most excellent Ricardo Montalban.

“Oh noes! Johnny Storm might be (whisper) black this time!”

As it turns out, the reboot of The Fantastic Four films may cast a new Johnny Storm, and word has it that he could be . . .

Wait for it . . .

. . . black.

(Which also means that Sue Storm may also wind up being . . . . *whisper* black.)


I know we’re not supposed to be noticing that, being that we’re all post-racial and colorblind and all. But it doesn’t stop folks from pitching a fucking fit. Some shit about it betraying the original vision for the character or something. Y’know, kinda like Heimdall in Thor.

If anybody has seen Chronicle, the option of having Michael B. Jordan play Johnny Storm makes a whole lot of sense. Young, hot-headed dude who loves the fact that he’s a fucking superhero? Yeah, I can see it.

But when it’s Benadryl Cucumbersnatch playing an iconic man of color villain who was so awesome that even James T. Motherfucking Kirk had to show respect, all of a sudden it’s about the best person for the job.


I seent yo’ ass.